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The Country Education Foundation of Orange and District Committee is a small, dynamic group of volunteers passionate about the education of our local youth.

Sue Rogan


My interest in supporting young people reach their aspirational goals stems from my background in teaching, careers advising and most recently, managing an outreach program at Charles Sturt University for students in high school from regional and rural areas to understand the benefits of higher education.

While in that role it became clear to me that there is a lack of knowledge about the world of university and tertiary study in general, particularly in families where funds are not available to support young people to leave home and study.

Volunteering with CEF has provided me with an extension to my career in retirement. Chairing this group is a great privilege and I am buoyed by the fact that our committee (all volunteers) is energetic, determined and hard working. It is enlightening to be part of the wider CEF organisation.

Vanessa Macdonald


I joined the CEF Orange & District Committee in 2021 and have had the privilege of holding the position of Secretary since that time.

Having grown up in the Central West of New South Wales I have first hand experience of the challenges that face students from regional areas when they move to a city to begin their tertiary education and the joy that comes from returning to live, work and contribute in a regional community.

I really enjoy meeting our students each year and being part of a committee which is supporting their success as they progress through the study path to their chosen career. I am also grateful to our generous donors who allow us to provide the financial support that we do.

Juliet Petersen

Volunteer and former Country Education Foundation CEO

I am a qualified educator who understands the challenges for rural and regional students and their families in accessing tertiary education. My work with CEF began in 2017 when I undertook the role of committee and partnerships liaison at the national office in Orange and was appointed CEO of the organisation in 2019. I have always been a passionate and active member of the Orange local foundation throughout this period.

Lachlan Barrett


Having been a former recipient of scholarships from the Country Education Foundation, I deeply value the significance of financial aid and mentoring in supporting our youth within rural and regional NSW to have access to the same career enhancing educational opportunities as their city counterparts.

I feel privileged to be a member of the local Orange and District Education Foundation, a fantastic community dedicated to fostering positive transformations through education for those living within the region.

Judy Stump


Post school training and education hold immense value for me due to its capacity to change the life of an individual and their families.

Building skills and knowledge beyond school ensures that a person can participate in the workforce with a meaningful job. The benefits of being employed can never be overstated and provide dignity and resources for any person.

Every local community requires skilled young people, and sometimes families need support from the local community to make this happen. There are many opportunities for trained young people in rural and regional areas and we need our school leavers to invest in training while they are still young.

We at Country Education Foundation of Orange and District can help you achieve this goal with the support of local councils, businesses and individuals who want to invest in your education.

Ros Kemp


I've been a member of CEF Orange for three years. I've been interested in young people and their aspirations as a teacher and consultant, as a mother and grandparent, as a lover of the arts, and avid reader and a dragon-boater. CEF is a very practical way to assist young people explore their futures. Meeting such a diverse range of talented, sensible, creative, socially aware individuals certainly gives me hope for the future, both theirs and mine.

Liz Diprose


I grew up in western NSW, attended the local high school and spent 35 years as a secondary school teacher. I have witnessed and experienced the transformative power of education, as well as the challenges facing young people from rural areas. I joined the Orange CEF to lend my support to local students who wish to further their education through university or TAFE courses which usually involves moving away from family and friends.

CEF provides both financial assistance and ongoing collegial support to these school leavers as they enter the next phase of their lives. This brings me great joy.

Glen Pearson


As a young person growing up in Coonamble & Gilgandra, I can relate to the financial struggles associated with gaining a good education. As a Careers Adviser, I enjoy helping students reach their potential in gaining higher education through university or TAFE NSW pathways. I value the tremendous impact education has on communities and I am pleased to be a committee member of CEF Orange & District.

Lyndall Harrison


After growing up in Sydney suburbs, I have lived in rural NSW now for over 40 years, working for much of that time in various roles in education, encompassing infants, primary and secondary school teaching, plus teacher education at CSU. It wasn’t until I joined the staff at a central school in the Central West that I really became aware of how the tyranny of distance often effected school leavers and their choices for further education. School leavers who considered continuing with tertiary education were often faced with leaving their family and friends and had hefty costs for travel and accommodation, hence many chose not to.

Becoming a volunteer member of CEF was a fabulous opportunity for me to support such students. Eight years on, the students who Orange CEF support each year continue to impress at interview and truly demonstrate how education has the potential to truly change their lives, as they discover the many more options available.


Volunteers are at the heart of our work. We cannot continue to support rural and regional students undertake post-school education if we don’t have amazing, passionate volunteers.

This is generally a year-round commitment. The level of participation required varies between locations and positions held within the foundation.

Duties could include:
  • Grant application shortlisting
  • Interviewing
  • Fundraising
  • PR and promotion
  • Student engagement and liaising
  • Office bearer positions: Chair, Treasurer, Secretary etc…
Find out how you can help


CEF Orange is proudly one of 45 local foundations that make up the Country Education Foundation of Australia network.

Local foundations engage in fundraising to provide local grants and scholarships to youth in their areas. This financial support in the form of reimbursement, helps buy textbooks and laptops, purchase tools and equipment and assists rural and regional youth to relocate to take up career opportunities.

CEF’s national office, based in Orange, NSW, provides financial support, training and resources to this family of local foundations through seed funding, student support resources, volunteer resources, governance and compliance advice, accounting, technology, insurances, event management and advocacy.

CEF also partners with tertiary institutions and corporate and philanthropic organisations across the country to provide additional funding and support to CEF local grant and scholarship recipients.

CEF Australia has tax deductibility 1 status (DGR1), so all donations over $2 are fully tax deductible.